3 Pipeline Innovations You Need to Know About

3 Pipeline Innovations You Need to Know About

From finding new ways to safeguard the integrity of pipelines and reduce their environmental footprint to getting the best value for their resources, pipeline companies continue to make their mark innovating as part of their commitment to continuous improvement.

Here are some ways pipeline companies are monitoring for safety and efficacy.

High Fidelity Dynamic Sensing (HDS)

HDS technology is set to become the new global standard for pipeline monitoring. HDS uses specialized fiber optics (not to be confused with telecom fiber optics) fully distributed along the pipeline to sense every centimeter so operators can know exactly where a leak occurred or where there’s potential for a leak. HDS sensing is a 24/7 activity with a level of accuracy that can detect a pinhole leak.

Carbon Capture

As our energy system evolves to include more renewable energy sources, the oil and gas industry is also developing ways to lower its environmental footprint. Wolf Midstream is a partner in the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL), which supports carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). This will help change its emissions profile and boost the economic opportunities that come from oil and gas production.

Satellites and Pipeline Safety

For pipeline operators, protecting pipelines from the geohazards that can cause damage is a high priority. Geohazards are geological processes – such as landslides, seismicity (earthquakes), or river erosion – that may occur in certain geographical areas. Pipeline operators use satellite-imaging technology to detect and monitor ground movements as small as a few millimeters per month – long before they can create enough force to compromise the pipeline.