THE Exposed Pipeline Remediation Experts
Submar Case Study – In our latest case study, discover how Submar protected a 14 inch products pipeline that was exposed for 60 feet and suspended at a height of 17 feet due to lateral migration at Cajon Deadman Washout in San Bernardino County, California. The eroded bank of the riverbed was graded and built up with a compactable fill material. The pipeline was exposed, inspected, and recoated. Geotextile fabric and Pyramat 75 Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) were installed to stabilize the steep sloped riverbank. Rip rap was installed along the toe of the riverbank to prevent future scour. During the second month after project completion, the site experienced an 11 inch rainfall in a 24 hour period, which resembled a 370-year storm. After this severe storm, the riverbank was intact and in stable condition as depicted.
Submar offers comprehensive turnkey solutions for onshore and offshore pipeline protection, erosion control, and streambank stabilization for the pipeline industry. Our services include site inspection and surveying, environmentally conscious engineered designs, environmental permitting and regulatory compliance, product design and manufacturing, project management and construction, and post-construction monitoring.