Protecting Pipelines in the Winter

News | Submar

Protecting Pipelines in the Winter

Spring is around the corner, and it can change work conditions on your pipeline work site. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures installed during frozen conditions may not remain functional under thaw conditions. This means you may need a few more measures in place for snowmelt and extra rain during the warmer months. When choosing


Project Spotlight: Lake Sakakawea Pipeline Maintenance

Since our founding, we’ve continuously evolved our services in order to offer the best solutions available for offshore and onshore pipeline exposure remediation.   – Site Assessment – Remediation Design – Permitting – Construction – Monitoring – Onshore Mats – Offshore Mats   If you have an erosion issue, we have a custom and lasting


Project Memories: Conroe, Texas

Check out this time-lapse video of a lengthy construction project we started in January 2020 and completed in March 2020.   Background: Several pipelines cross a river in Conroe, Texas. A sandpit had expanded over time, and heavy flow had degraded the bed of the channel and eroded the banks, exposing and suspending the pipelines.


Hurricane Season is Here: Keep Your Crew Safe on the Jobsite

Hurricane Laura came ashore in the heart of oil and gas territory. The storm’s destruction should serve as a wake-up call to companies operating along the Gulf Coast. Hurricane season is a reminder for all in the oil and gas industry to review their disaster plan and emergency response plans. Sustained winds, debris, shifting shorelines,


Wind Erosion & Pipelines

Over the past 30 years, Submar has been the leader in pipeline erosion control, helping many companies working with oil and gas pipelines with their pipeline exposures and streambank stabilization concerns. One of the many ways Submar has helped companies is with its onshore and offshore articulated concrete revetment mats, but we know pipelines don’t


Protecting Offshore Pipelines

Scientists have begun discovering that the seafloor is eroding in much the same way as the land loss now occurring on the coast of Louisiana. This can mean a detrimental loss in the wake of powerful waves, hurricanes, and flooding to the offshore and inland infrastructure. The scientists are concluding that the seafloor should be considered


The Effects of Erosion on Our Ecosystems

Maintaining habitats is crucial to protecting native wildlife. Submar’s articulating concrete revetment mats allow vegetation and increase biodiversity while protecting oil and gas assets. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the coastlines of the United States lose one to four feet every year because of erosion. This also translates into economic costs and the


Hurricane Resources for the Oil & Gas Industry

The Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association (LMOGA) is a valuable resource for learning more about hurricane preparations for the oil and gas industry. Founded in 1923, it is a trade association exclusively representing all sectors of the oil and gas industry operating in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico. LMOGA serves exploration and production,


Native Plants Are Important Factors in Fighting Erosion

Barren soil cover is no way to maintain a healthy pipeline slope. Erosion greatly increases with exposed soil. Trees, shrubs, and groundcovers can maintain slopes and reduce erosion from surface water, shallow groundwater and, to some extent, coastal processes. Types of Vegetation That Work Best The short answer is the native plants of the region.


Don’t Forget to Dig Safely

Keeping busy on household projects is a great way to pass the time, but if any of those projects involve outdoor digging, do it safely. Did you know that there are approximately 2.06 million miles of distribution pipeline used to deliver natural gas to most homes and businesses? According to National Transportation Safety Board statistics,