Pipeline Erosion Control Technique: Brush Layering

Pipeline Erosion Control Technique: Brush Layering

When building a pipeline in a stream or low-lying area, pipeline erosion is a major concern. There are multiple pipeline erosion control techniques available; one of the quickest and most efficient is brush layering.

What Is Brush Layering?

Brush layering is a pipeline erosion control technique that encourages revegetation. Implementing the method involves combining layers of cuttings that are either rooted or cut with soil. This also helps to stabilize streambanks, preventing future runoff.

Choosing the Right Brush Layering For the Project

Not all brush layering is created the same. The options that a company choose will depend on the project and, more importantly, where it is located. For instance, companies may choose between a hedge brush layer, which involves both dormant cuttings and rooted plants, and a simple brush layer, which is only dormant cuttings.

The type that a company will choose will depend on the vegetation they are looking to plant in the area. Companies should regrow plants that are native to the area. For example, some species do not root quickly, such as:

• Bebb Willow
• Alder
• Scouler

Native vegetation is much more likely to take hold and prove to be a successful long-term pipeline erosion control method. In that case, Submar may recommend a hedge brush layer, which provides a segment for the roots of plants.