Flood Control Ditch

Pipeline Exposure Repair
A pipeline right-of-way (ROW) with two 8-inch pipelines and one 10-inch pipeline parallels a flood-control ditch near residential homes. Bank migration had exposed the pipelines; the largest pipeline exposure was approximately 136 linear feet. Submar worked with a geotechnical survey company to establish subsurface soil conditions, find the location of the existing slope, and develop geotechnical engineering recommendations for pipeline exposure remediation.
Our Solution
Using streambank stabilization techniques to guard against pipeline exposure, protect the pipelines, and restore the slope, Submar graded the project site and armored a section of the banks with a system of Submar mats or articulated concrete revetment mats. The mats were installed from the toe of the slope over the exposed pipelines, and the edges of the Submar mat system toed into 4-inch deep anchor trenches. This solution provides hard-armor protection for the pipelines and slope protection for the underlying soils, creating and maintaining a stable bank. The job was completed by cleaning, dressing, and reseeding all disturbed areas (Best Management Practices or BMPs).