Can Landslides Harm Pipelines?

landslides | Submar

Can Landslides Harm Pipelines?

Landslides are a constant threat to many pipeline sites. Landslides, mudflows, earth slumps, rockfalls, and other types of slope failures threaten job sites in many terrains, not just hills or mountains. They can be fast or slow, wet or dry, small or large, shallow or deep, and reactivated or new. Because of the long, linear


Landslide Damage Can Be Repaired

For engineers who work on pipelines, there are external threats to be aware of and respond to. Lines that cross through hilly or mountainous terrain are susceptible to land movement or subsidence. Studying the terrain and the types of landmass movement is essential for engineers and geologists; they can play a role in determining where


The Dangers of Landslides and How to Protect Your Pipelines

Landslides are a constant threat to many pipeline sites. Landslides, mudflows, earth slumps, rockfalls, and other types of slope failures threaten job sites in many terrains, not just hills or mountains. They can be fast or slow, wet or dry, small or large, shallow or deep, and reactivated or new. Because of the long, linear