The Dangers of Exposed Pipelines and How to Prevent Them

pipeline protection | Submar

The Dangers of Exposed Pipelines and How to Prevent Them

The U.S. has over 2.5 million miles of pipelines crisscrossing the country. As existing lines grow older, critics warn that the risk of accidents could increase. Many pipelines transport petroleum products and natural gas. Some pipelines transport other hazardous products such as chemicals, highly volatile liquids, anhydrous ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Exposure to these products


Submar’s Solution to Desert Terrain Pipelines

Over the past 30 years, Submar has been the leader in pipeline erosion control, helping many companies working with oil and gas pipelines with their pipeline exposures and streambank stabilization concerns. One of the many ways Submar has helped companies is with its onshore and offshore articulated concrete revetment mats, but we know pipelines don’t


Submar Finds a Remedy for Pipeline Exposure in Florida

Pipeline exposure is a dangerous complication that can actually worsen over time. Pipeline companies are committed to minimizing the danger of an exposed pipeline with prevention and safety measures. Submar is often part of the safety solution to keep the integrity of the pipeline system intact. The Problem In Florida, a 6-inch diameter natural gas


Post-Construction Site Monitoring

In 2017, Submar installed a special system of articulating concrete revetment mattresses in New Mexico: Armadune mats, which are designed to work in desert environments. The mats’ tapered cells help collect sediment while the excelsior matrix collects moisture and allows root system development. Tate Salas, our Southwest Regional Sales Manager, is conducting a post-construction site assessment