Don’t Forget to Dig Safely

pipeline safety | Submar

Don’t Forget to Dig Safely

Keeping busy on household projects is a great way to pass the time, but if any of those projects involve outdoor digging, do it safely. Did you know that there are approximately 2.06 million miles of distribution pipeline used to deliver natural gas to most homes and businesses? According to National Transportation Safety Board statistics,


How to Prevent a Dangerous Situation

The U.S. has over 2.5 million miles of pipelines crisscrossing the country. As existing lines grow older, critics warn that the risk of accidents could increase. Many pipelines transport petroleum products and natural gas; some pipelines transport other hazardous products such as chemicals, highly volatile liquids, anhydrous ammonia, or carbon dioxide. Exposure to these products


What Property Owners Need to Know Before Digging

Millions of miles of pipelines run around our property and homes, making modern conveniences possible. While it’s agreed that pipelines are the safest and most efficient means of transporting natural gas and petroleum products, safety precautions must be taken. Before a member of the public digs to start a new construction project or even a


Pipeline Exposure Poses Problems in New Mexico

Constant rainfall or a sudden surge of storm wash can create a hazardous situation for pipelines. If a pipeline is in danger of becoming exposed, its chances for failure increase. Fortunately, pipeline companies undertake many prevention and safety measures to ensure the integrity of their pipeline systems. A particularly dangerous situation can occur if an