Protecting Offshore Pipelines

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Protecting Offshore Pipelines

Scientists have begun discovering that the seafloor is eroding in much the same way as the land loss now occurring on the coast of Louisiana. This can mean a detrimental loss in the wake of powerful waves, hurricanes, and flooding to the offshore and inland infrastructure. The scientists are concluding that the seafloor should be considered


Native Plants Are Important Factors in Fighting Erosion

Barren soil cover is no way to maintain a healthy pipeline slope. Erosion greatly increases with exposed soil. Trees, shrubs, and groundcovers can maintain slopes and reduce erosion from surface water, shallow groundwater and, to some extent, coastal processes. Types of Vegetation That Work Best The short answer is the native plants of the region.


How Submar Can Manage Your Project from Start to Finish

Our extensive experience and our broad application of products is what sets us apart from the crowd. We have the unique ability to identify pipeline erosion control problems and design, construct, and monitor custom erosion control solutions. Experience Based in Houma, Louisiana, Submar starting providing articulated concrete mats to the offshore oil and gas market


Nicholls State University Pays a Visit

On March 10, guests from Nicholls State University visited our headquarters in Houma, LA, to learn more about erosion and our turnkey solutions. We demonstrated our augmented reality (AR) sandbox to explain how pipelines become exposed. We also introduced our visitors to our plant in Amelia, LA, so they could see how our articulating concrete


The Dangers of Exposed Pipelines and How to Prevent Them

The U.S. has over 2.5 million miles of pipelines crisscrossing the country. As existing lines grow older, critics warn that the risk of accidents could increase. Many pipelines transport petroleum products and natural gas. Some pipelines transport other hazardous products such as chemicals, highly volatile liquids, anhydrous ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Exposure to these products


From Mapping to Engineering, Submar Has You Covered

Topographical Surveying and Mapping  Submar can provide topographical surveying services via a site assessment survey that will assist us in engineering design. Our surveying equipment consists of RTK GPS, robotic total stations, and unmanned aerial vehicles (a.k.a. drones) that collect the project site data. After the data is collected, civil designers use AutoCAD 3D software


How Do Pipelines Cross Rivers?

In order for pipelines to transport the energy we need across the country, pipelines must sometimes cross rivers. The environmental protection of these rivers is on the minds of Americans, and it’s on the minds of pipeline companies as well. That’s why the industry has started using technically advanced construction methods such as horizontal directional


7 Winter Weather Construction Safety Tips from Construct Connect

Originally published on January 17, 2018, by Kendall Jones ( Construction doesn’t stop when winter weather strikes, so it’s important to know what steps to take to keep your workers warm and safe. As another major winter storm is starting to impact areas of the country this week with snow and ice accumulation, it’s a


Stopping the Danger Before It Starts: Preventing Exposed Pipelines

The U.S. has over 2.5 million miles of pipelines crisscrossing the country. As existing lines grow older, critics warn that the risk of accidents could increase. Many pipelines transport petroleum products and natural gas, and some pipelines transport other hazardous products such as chemicals, highly volatile liquids, anhydrous ammonia, or carbon dioxide. Exposure to these