Understanding Pipeline Erosion Control: The Submar Lexicon

Understanding Pipeline Erosion Control: The Submar Lexicon

If you are installing an oil or gas pipeline, pipeline erosion control should be a priority to protect your assets. Waiting until major erosion occurs due to flooding, heavy rain events, or natural disasters like hurricanes can result in exposed pipelines that are susceptible to damage.

“Pipeline erosion control” is the job Submar, the leader in this industry for the past three decades, is called on to perform most frequently.


What Is Pipeline Erosion Control? – Submar Lexicon


The oil and gas pipeline industry typically installs large pipelines in desolate or non-residential areas, ranging from the middle of the Gulf of Mexico to California coastal communities, Southwestern deserts, and other large stretches of undeveloped open space.

When companies install pipelines, they dig trenches. If companies do not take steps to protect these trenches, the surrounding sediment, which is still loose, will be vulnerable to moving water or wind, which will remove the sediment and gradually expose the pipeline.


Decreasing the Risk of Pipeline Erosion


An exposed pipeline leads to a ruptured pipeline, which results in costly delays. It is imperative that companies take preventative pipeline erosion control measures to protect their investment.