safety | Submar


A stop work program formally establishes the Stop Work Authority (SWA) of all employees to suspend individual tasks or group operations when the control of HSE risk is not clearly established or understood. A stop work authority policy/program should provide the following: All employees have the authority and obligation to stop any task or operation



Winter weather can cause extremely dangerous road conditions including snow, sleet or ice. Use the following tips to prepare yourself and your vehicle for winter weather driving. Speed and Distance – Drive slower on snow and ice because it’s harder to control or stop your vehicle. Also, increase your following distance to allow enough distance


Winter Weather Response Plan

During the Winter months, planning for severe weather should be a top priority for operations and safety leaders. Businesses should develop a Winter Weather Response Plan that outlines areas of business risk and how to mitigate the impacts of severe winter weather. Following are four steps to develop an appropriate plan for your business. 1.


Tips to Avoid Winter-Related Accidents

A chill is in the air, but the work on your jobsite doesn’t stop when the weather gets cold. It’s important to know what steps to take to keep your construction workers warm and safe. Here are 3 ways to keep the job going forward safely in the middle of winter. Inspect Sites This is


Protecting Pipelines in the Winter

Spring is around the corner, and it can change work conditions on your pipeline work site. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures installed during frozen conditions may not remain functional under thaw conditions. This means you may need a few more measures in place for snowmelt and extra rain during the warmer months. When choosing


Hurricane Season is Here: Keep Your Crew Safe on the Jobsite

Hurricane Laura came ashore in the heart of oil and gas territory. The storm’s destruction should serve as a wake-up call to companies operating along the Gulf Coast. Hurricane season is a reminder for all in the oil and gas industry to review their disaster plan and emergency response plans. Sustained winds, debris, shifting shorelines,


Don’t Forget to Dig Safely

Keeping busy on household projects is a great way to pass the time, but if any of those projects involve outdoor digging, do it safely. Did you know that there are approximately 2.06 million miles of distribution pipeline used to deliver natural gas to most homes and businesses? According to National Transportation Safety Board statistics,


7 Winter Weather Construction Safety Tips from Construct Connect

Originally published on January 17, 2018, by Kendall Jones ( Construction doesn’t stop when winter weather strikes, so it’s important to know what steps to take to keep your workers warm and safe. As another major winter storm is starting to impact areas of the country this week with snow and ice accumulation, it’s a


Stopping the Danger Before It Starts: Preventing Exposed Pipelines

The U.S. has over 2.5 million miles of pipelines crisscrossing the country. As existing lines grow older, critics warn that the risk of accidents could increase. Many pipelines transport petroleum products and natural gas, and some pipelines transport other hazardous products such as chemicals, highly volatile liquids, anhydrous ammonia, or carbon dioxide. Exposure to these


Fight Winter Erosion Before It’s Too Late

Working on a pipeline site during the winter months offers a unique set of challenges. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures installed during frozen conditions may not remain functional under thaw conditions. This means that whatever you put in place to control erosion during frozen conditions needs to also function during the snowmelt to come.