Submar Lexicon: Riprap

Submar Lexicon: Riprap

When working with Submar, you will hear the company use several terms relevant to the pipeline erosion control industry. If you ever come across a term with which you are not familiar, Submar invites you to ask questions, as they are happy to help you learn more about pipeline erosion control.

One of the terms used frequently in the Submar lexicon is “riprap.” Below, you will find everything you need to know about riprap.


What Is Riprap?


Riprap is any rock, gravel, or stone used to help to prevent erosion. Typically, riprap is used in the following areas:

• On steep slopes
• Along shorelines
• As the foundation for a bridge or other structure, such as a pipeline

The size of the riprap can vary significantly depending on the project. A company may need to use more prominent riprap if the slope they are working with is particularly steep or if the rate at which the water flows is high. For pipeline erosion control along a streambank, small stones or gravel tends to suffice.


The Benefits of Riprap


One of the reasons riprap is used is that it is incredibly durable. When installed correctly, it can serve as a pipeline erosion control measure for years. Additionally, riprap can give a natural appearance to a project.

Riprap cuts down on the risk of erosion significantly. Installing riprap is a small investment to protect oil and gas pipelines from erosion. Talk to the team at Submar to determine the best approach to your pipeline erosion control project and to see whether riprap is right for you.