Offshore Erosion and the Products and Services Submar Offers to Mitigate Them

Offshore | Submar

Offshore Erosion and the Products and Services Submar Offers to Mitigate Them

Oil and gas pipeline maintenance professionals need to concern themselves with three different types of erosion: onshore, offshore, and wind. All three are significant threats to companies concerned about pipeline erosion control. Fortunately, Submar offers numerous products that can help reduce the risk and concern of erosion. Part Two of this blog series will take


Pipeline Erosion Control: Submar Case Study

When it comes to erosion control, articulated concrete revetment mats can reduce the risk of runoff. A perfect example of this is seen on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. As an article from The Courier, dated September 25, 2003, and titled, “Matting Services Common Locally, Help Protect Wetlands,” indicates, Submar mats were laid along the Intracoastal