How Submar Helps Wildlife Return to a Pipeline Site

pipeline erosion control | Submar

How Submar Helps Wildlife Return to a Pipeline Site

The number of animals listed as endangered, threatened, or a special concern grows year after year. Much of the land that pipelines run through contains wildlife that need special protection. Responsible pipeline companies do everything they can to protect the wildlife population. Minimizing the impact on animals, fish, and plants plays a significant role in


How Submar Can Help Your Project in a Marine Environment

With shifting coastlines, natural tides, storms, and constant traffic, it’s easy to see how subsea pipelines can be impacted over time. Storms can cause wave- and current-induced movements of nearshore sediments, which can affect the depth of burial and integrity of pipelines laid in waters less than 60 feet deep. Plus, vessels and Gulf traffic


Pre-1960s Pipelines Are Creating a Building Boom

The ongoing boom of pipeline construction is probably bigger than you think. Consider this: according to a Pipeline & Gas Journal report, 250 oil and gas companies, ranging in size from 6 million to 1,300 customers, are currently building pipelines throughout the US and Canada. Many of those projects are to rehabilitate older pipelines. Miles


Tips To Prevent Injuries during Winter Storms

As the industry leader in pipeline exposure remediation, Submar knows a lot about workplace safety. As the temperatures begin to cool and winter months approach, it’s imperative that people plan for ways to stay safe. Below, Submar has provided some tips on how to prevent injuries on the job site of your next pipeline erosion


Pipeline Monitoring

Submar is well-known as the pipeline erosion control leader in the oil and natural gas pipeline industry. While Submar is perhaps most famous for Submar mats, which are articulated concrete revetment mattresses, Submar also uses multiple methods for pipeline exposure remediation. Among the arsenal of Submar tools is pipeline monitoring.


North Dakota Farmers Find Way To Avoid Another Year Of “Snirt”

When you’re in the pipeline erosion control business, it’s important to take queues from other industries. That’s why Submar has been paying attention to multiple industries that face erosion control issues, including farming. Over the past few years, North Dakota farmers have been decimated by “snirt,” otherwise known as the dirty snow that lines ditches